The Vision
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The Lord's Vision For This Ministry

The vision of the Gospel of the Kingdom Ministries is:

1. To ignite passion,train up equip and release the body of Christ   worldwide for works of service.

2. To train five fold ministers -
Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists.

3. To minister healing, deliverance, reconciliation, restoration, intimacy with Jesus and unity to the members of the body of Christ through prayer and Godly counsel.

4. To evangelize our local, national and international community with the Gospel of Jesus Crist promoting love, life and unity.

5. To destroy racism in any form. God looks at the heart and motive of man and not his ethnic background.

6. To establish an international network of intercessory prayer warriors by holding prophetic school of ministries. (Amos.3:7)

7. To establish a praise and worship warfare ministry team that will travel nationally and internationally and whose purpose is to network with prophetic and intercessory teams so that strongholds over nations can be torn down.

8. To hold crusades and seminars at/in, open air, jails, hospitals, schools, conferences for both women and youth and thus win souls in the kingdom and also plan when need arises for speakers coming overseas.

9. To establish orphanages for the fatherless and widows with mercy ministry and start self supporting projects.

You are invited to come and minister here with us.  Every gift of the Spirit is needed.  Thanking you in advance!

Echinjia, Mundoli Area
P.O Box 1166 Postal Code 50100,
Kakamega, Kenya, East Africa